
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good Friday article

Whenever I get the chance to read anything in Christianity Today or any of its subsidaries, I'm always blessed by what I read. It is almost always very well written and insightful. This article is no different. It gives some history about Good Friday and reminds us what tomorrow is truly about.

Our church has us come to Good Friday services dressed in black and without talking, in rememberance of the silence and sadness of the day. Then we have one of the most amazing Easter services I've ever been to, with lots of rejoicing... shouting HE IS RISEN! at the top of our lungs, standing up, cheering, clapping, and singing songs of celebration. It is a great way to remember the sadness of Jesus' death and the reality of his payment for our sins, and the empty tomb three days later and the victory we all have through him.

It's an exciting weekend and I can't wait to remember him and celebrate! I pray that you will as well.

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