
Friday, December 5, 2008

Time for a Fibro Update

I guess it's about time for a Fibro update, although I'm not sure there's much to say. I missed my two scheduled chiropractor appointments for last week because of snow and illness, and had to cancel one appointment this week, and the chiro had to cancel one of the others. Ugh! But the last time I saw him just before Thanksgiving, it was amazing!! He helped me so much with my neck pain and some circulation issues. I just hate that I haven't been able to get there lately, especially having been so sick because I'm sure he could find a way to help with it.

I finally decided that it must just be my body being all screwed up from traveling, holidays, and what not. So I just decided to take it easy. On the plus side, I've lost 6 pounds from it! But on the bad side, I've recently learned that someone near and dear to me is having the same symptoms now! Uh oh! Either a freakish coincidence, or it really is a virus!!! And even worse, I'm spreading it!! Oh man... that stinks.

This is how I've been feeling!

My rheumatologist left his practice here to move elsewhere. I hadn't really wanted to go back to him, but I knew he was there if I needed to. Now he's not. That stinks. The one who diagnosed me and supposedly would help me get this figured out. So much for that possibility.

I can't seem to make it to my chiropractor before the insurance max for chiropractic care runs out the end of the year (it'd be nice to get in there as often as possible; it just hasn't worked out that way). Bummer!

My doctor really doesn't help with the Fibro.

I'm not sure what next step to take. The biggest ray of hope that I have is my new chiropractor. I just have to figure out a way to get in to see him!! Please pray that I'll feel better soon and be able to see him as often as possible. Please pray for a sudden switch to a milder winter. Boy has it been nasty so far. But in this too, I am learning to trust. I am learning that God supplies all of our needs just as we need them. His grace is sufficient for us.

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