
Monday, February 16, 2009

Ughhh... Mad at Blogger

I spent quite some time yesterday writing what I think was a great and encouraging post, based on yesterday's sermon at church. I hit the save now button and thought it was saved, but as soon as I hit publish post POOF it disappeared... unsaved and a waste of my time. Normally Blogger saves it automatically as you go, but apparently it didn't. Totally gone except the title and the very first line.


So I'm frustrated immensely with Blogger right now. Every time I post I seem to have formatting issues that take forever to go back over, and adding a picture... forget it. It means multiple formatting edits and frustration. But I'm always determined to get it working so I can get my message out there. And trying to do it in Word and pasting it here is an apparent waste of time too since all the formatting disappears.

Do you guys have this same problem? I just want to make sure. I do this on a couple different computers, so I know it's not just my computer. I hope it's not just me! Please let me know your thoughts on Blogger or the blog platform you use, and how you feel about it. I'm also frustrated that I can't seem to find a way to get three columns. I hate my longgggg right column. Humph!

Needless to say, you won't hear much out of me for a bit... it took a while to do yesterday's post and to have it disappear like that was just maddening. I hope to be back up and at 'em soon, but I admit to feeling even more discouragement on top of my already sinister and sad self (having a bit of a rough time lately, but trying really hard to fight the depression that seems to be wavering above me, just waiting to pounce!).

I'll do my best....

Edited to add: Glad this post worked!!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like all the more reason to revisit and repost on the encouragement that you felt after yesterdays sermon!! sorry that happened
