
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Things I Like Tuesday, Baby Style

I know I've mentioned here before just how much I love babies. Love, love, love them. But there's something even more special when it's a dear friend or family member's baby. Given that I haven't had my own baby yet and haven't yet lived out life with a little one in the house every day, I live out my love for babies through others where I can hand baby back to mommy or daddy and go on my merry way (although sometimes I really don't want to do even that!).

I think since I'm surrounded these days by pregnant women or young kids, I find myself even more in baby land and loving it! I don't really feel like posting pictures of myself today, so instead I'm giving you a Things I Like Tuesday, Baby Style, of some of my favorite blogs that have shared kid/baby stuff I like and hope you will too. Even if you're past that stage, don't want to be in that stage, or won't use their ideas, I hope you'll go exploring and find yourself fascinated by all the different things out there, like I am!

1. Bolsa Chica: If you haven't been here long, perhaps you don't know, but Monica of Bolsa Chica is one of my nearest & dearest friends, and the only one on this list who I know in real life! (Most of my in-real-life close friends don't blog. I'm lucky if they're on Facebook or Twitter even!) I have learned soooo much from Monica. We work 2 cubicles away from each other, but only for a few more days (this Friday is her last day). I'm very thankful she's still just right down the street and we can still see each other as often as we like. She's 38 weeks pregnant and ready to meet her little boy. I'm super excited for her!! Anyway, she has lots of ideas and knowledge about cloth-diapering, natural childbirth, etc etc. I have never had an opportunity to learn all that stuff before and I'm relishing the new stuff I learn every day. Granted, I am unlikely to do much with most of that stuff, but I am learning and soaking it all in. Check out some of her great thoughts here, here, and here.

2. Elizabeth, You Were Born to Play That Part: I don't remember how I found Elizabeth's site, but I am really enjoying getting to know her and all of her wonderful ideas. She just had a baby 2 months ago and is learning a lot about motherhood. I'm so happy for her and love learning new things on her blog, like here and here.

3. Kayren at Everything's Coming Up Daisies: Kayren is such a neat mom, organizer, and blogging friend! You've got to check out her blog for some fun and good ideas! These are for older kids, not babies. Go here, here, and here.

4. My Charming Kids: Gosh I love this lady! I don't know her in real life, but I feel like I do! I've mentioned her here before, and the prayers for her baby Stellan (who is growing like a weed and now 9 months old, wow!) so you may recognize her website. I aspire to write like MckMama because we have very similar personalities! Sadly, I think my personality falls a bit flat once it hits the page. I'm not sure why, but in the meantime I'm learning a lot from MckMama and really enjoy reading her daily. For some wonderful ideas, click here, here, here, here, and here. Or if you like all her ideas, go to her main website at and click on her parenting links at the top right of the page. You can learn a wholeeeee bunch!!

5. Keeper of the Home: This is a recent find, suggested to me by my friend Monica. I love this blog and I'm still learning new things every day. Ironically I haven't even learned her real name yet! Click here, here, here, and here for more great ideas!!

Happy Tuesday & Happy Babying!!!!! :)

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