
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh Happiness

I finally got my pre-ordered package today from the David Crowder Band for their new album Church Music.

I'm in love.

I now have vinyl records in my possession. That takes me back about 25 years to when I'd listen to my dad's records. And now I own two.

Don't have a way to play them.

Might frame them. We'll see.

The album is pretty great. I especially love two songs on this new album, one of which is Oh Happiness. I've been jamming to this for a week or so, after their YouTube video of them signing the vinyls to this song. I've played that video over and over and over (as mentioned in this post) so I was prepared to really jam to it today when I got my CD.

And jam I did. And am.

Here are the lyrics to Oh Happiness:

Oh, happiness, there's grace
Enough for us and the whole human race
Oh, happiness, there's grace
Enough for us and the whole human race

Friend or foe, Stranger or kin,
All who come, Begin again,
Hard or frail, Rich or poor,
All in need, Need fear no more
Such a thing to give away

Oh, happiness, there's grace
Enough for us and the whole human race
Oh, happiness, there's grace
Enough for us and the whole human race

All regrets, Let's go forget,
There's something that, Mends all of it
Such a thing to give away

Oh, happiness, there's grace
Enough for us and the whole human race
Oh, happiness, there's grace
Enough for us and the whole human race

Sound the church bells, let them ring,
Let them ring for everything can be redeemed,
We can be redeemed, oh, all of us

Oh, happiness, there's grace
Enough for us and the whole human race
Oh, happiness, there's grace
Enough for us and the whole human race

Written by David Crowder and Jack Parker
(c)2009 Songs/sixsteps Music/Inot Music

Oh seriously if you don't have it yet... go get it.

You'll be filled with happiness!

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