
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Update on Me & Ahhhh, Fall....

{Wrote this on Tuesday just didn't get a chance to re-read and post it, doh!}

Holy smokes.

I feel awful. Miserable. Terrible. Frustrated. Ughhhh.

It's a gorgeous day outside. It's a horrible day inside.

I hate to say it, but today I have my doubts. My faith is being tested and stretched. My character is hopefully being built.

I feel like I'm walking on a bed of nails and hot charcoals all at once. I could barely push the gas pedal down hard enough to make it home this afternoon, but I endured.

I don't know what I did or how I did it, but my feet HURTTTT. In ways I just can't fully describe.

Leaving work at lunch today, I barely had a single ounce of energy left to force my way to the car. It felt 100 miles away even if it was more like 100 feet.

Thankfully all the ice packs and leg propping on the recliner have helped. Whew.

{Update on Thursday: yes the icing and propping indeed helped. I'm feeling quite a bit better. It's just been challenging to exercise through this, and I admit to feeling a bit defeated in that area this week.}


I love Fall. I love the breeze. I love the slight chill in the air.

It's not quite here fully, but I'm ready for it. Just not ready for the season that comes after it, but we won't go there yet....

I love the smell of the leaves, even though it makes me sneeze. I love pumpkins, cinnamon candles, hot apple cider, passing out Halloween candy with gospel tracts, watching kids get all excited, caramel apples, candy corn, baking cakes with pumpkin (if you haven't done that but you love pumpkin, trust me you'll love it!--I'll share the recipe later), recalling the hay rides and campfires and roasting hot dogs & S'Mores from the days of my youth, playing in the leaves (sort of), taking drives, enjoying all the beautiful colors, sleeping with the windows open (in the summer it's too hot for me), and thinking about all the things I want to do for our kids in the Fall when we have them. This really is the most exciting time of the year for me.

Ahhhh, Fall.

1 comment:

  1. You inspire me with your ability to find the sunshine in the midst of a torrential downpour. Gentle hugs to you and many thanks for your optimistic attitude in the midst of frustration and pain.
