
Friday, October 16, 2009

Fabulous Friday

I'm still reeling from a very intense, excruciating workout Wednesday night...really difficult and painful, but really good. I was on my feet much of last night as well cooking and baking for various reasons, so I'm in a lot of pain today. But it's all good. I'm thankful for the energy I get as a result of the exercise, or I would not be functioning at all!

Anyway, here is a lovely picture to leave you with. This is my dear friend Monica's baby Parker. Isn't he absolutely precious?!?! He's 7 weeks old and almost fits in this 9 month onesie I bought him for Halloween. :) I love it! He's such a wonderful little chunker with the cutest thighs ever. He wears cloth diapers, so obviously the bulk of those adds to being in bigger clothes, as well as the fact that he's so tall, like his mama and daddy. I so love this kid and his parents!

Happy Fabulous Friday!!!

1 comment:

  1. He is a cutie, and that's such a sweet age. Love the little onesie you got for him.
