
Friday, October 30, 2009

Fabulous Friday

It's rainy, gloomy, dark, and depressing around here today. So thanks to Einstein Bros. Bagels "Free Bagel Fridays" ending today, I got myself a free bagel and brought in a bucket full of them for my coworkers too. Hope to help in bringing some rays of sunshine to an otherwise bleak, dull day!

So on this dreary Friday, I thought I'd bring on a bit of a Things I Like post even though it's not Tuesday, and even though I haven't done one of those in forever.... I need some positive thoughts today!

I like family...

I like toddlers and teenagers...

I like new babies on the way...
(seriously, any day now lil' nephew... hurry up!)

I like sunrises...
(just wish they happened before I left for work!)

 I like taking lunch breaks to drive around
the gorgeous town where I work, taking Fall pictures,
breathing in the fresh/crisp air, having strangers stare at me
like I'm a total weirdo for having a camera, and just soaking
in the absolute beauty and peace.
Slow down sweet Fall!!! 

I like bagels. A lot. My nutritionist doesn't.
Oh well. I'll work it off tonight.

Have a Fabulous Friday everyone!!

Bagel photo courtesy of Foto Search


  1. I enjoyed your post. We have such frustration in our daily lives, we need times when we can appreciate things around us. I know since being diagnosed with FM I appreciate more little things. Your photos show me a place where I'd like to be. My husband does alot of photography. You can look at his work at
    Enjoy the rest of your Friday!

  2. Hi Rochelle!!!
    Please say a prayer for me, I go to my first Rheumatoid appt on Thursday, Im a little nervous but I need a diagnosis. My dr upped my Cymbalta to 60mg twice a day and Im feeling a little better but still in some pain. I read your story about Fibro and IM there....thanks for writing me the other day!!!
