I know it's time for a Fibro update. I know I've lacked concentrating on that very much lately. But quite honestly, that's where my life is at right now. I'm not focusing on it. It's not pulling me down. It's not nagging at me. It's not at the forefront of my life.
Yes, I still have it. Yes, it's still very much there.
But right now it's in the background more. And I couldn't be more thankful for God's grace in that.
And all because I pushed through my intimidation and fears to walk into a little place called Lifetime Fitness.
{If you are at all familiar with that club, you know it's anything but little! It's like the king of health clubs. They spoil you.}
I still am in awe that after all this time... after so many times of people telling me to push through the pain and keep exercising... after all this time of hearing how being more active will ultimately help the Fibro... I can't believe it's actually true. That pushing through those first few weeks from ridiculous soreness and incredible amounts of pain into the more active lifestyle really is so rewarding.
Other than that, I'm taking lots of immune support vitamins to try to ward off getting sick while so many things are spreading like wildfire around here.
I'm more driven to do things and have more energy, so while I do more, I don't overdo it.
I haven't had a major flare-up in... I don't remember how long. A couple months perhaps? Other than that one Sunday where I had serious tailbone issues that subsided by the next day... and other than seeming to pull a muscle or two in my back yesterday while stretching after my workout...
I'm doing well. Surprisingly well.
I'll take what I can get! I am surprised & delighted by how I've been feeling lately. I don't know how long it will last. I'm going to enjoy it for as long as I can!
Hope you are all hanging in there. Have a great Thursday!
Now that's great news on this Thursday morning!