So even my Thanksgiving post is likely to wait until after Christmas, or at least until after I hit my time off. Ahhh, after next Tuesday I won't be back at work until after the new year. I am so stoked!
In the meantime, go out and enjoy all those other crazy Christmas posters... like MckMama, Giving Up on Perfect, A Soft Place to Land, A Familiar Path, and Chatting at the Sky {a short list for the sake of my time/sanity :)}.
Here are just a few quick pictures of happenings around here lately.... I'll try to post the whole lot of them after Christmas.
Our company Christmas carol sing with an orchestra and yummy food!
The book division at a local restaurant for our Christmas lunch... and oh the oodles of yummy food!
Part of the book division signing Christmas cards to our authors
A wonderful co-baby shower for two amazing coworkers
organized by two other incredible coworkers :)
And of course, 4 of my dearest friends who are such a delight!...
and yes, that includes Sherah's unborn child as #4.... :)
Meeting my newest nephew, Ashdyn, finally!
Oh my word, so freakin' cute.
Ahh, snow....
A delightful evening with Brian, Monica, and Parker...
playing, baking/decorating Christmas cookies...
enjoying their warmth and homey feel with all their Christmas decos {while I still have hardly anything up!}...
seriously so fun!
Yesterday our work had a big Christmas Luncheon at a local hotel. It's always so much fun and yesterday was no exception! I laughed harder and more often than I've laughed in a long time! I work with some of the best people in the world and I could not be more blessed or thankful! After work, I hung out at B & M's again for a bit, bounced Parker to sleep for a while, and then headed to a dinner with hubster, his sis, and our soon to be brother-in-law. We finally met him and we are so glad. It was so much fun and now it's easier for us to picture them together. Their wedding is mere weeks away, and we are now even more excited for them!
I hope to post pics of yesterday's events this weekend, but we'll see. If I don't, oh well. I'm learning to just take this all in stride and just do the best I can to keep up. :) I look forward to definitely catching back up with everyone after the holidays and we are all catching our breaths again!
Love, peace, blessings, and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours!!
Hey hey, thanks for the shout out! Have a nice day off downtown monday!