
Friday, January 22, 2010

Fabulous Friday

Thankful this week for my brother.

His name is Tim {yes, same name as hubster...makes for fun gatherings!}. He's 3 1/2 years older than me. He's the devoted father of two, a dedicated husband, a terrific Baptist pastor, one of the godliest men I know, free spirited, loving, hilarious, fun to be around, great to talk to and get advice from, extremely competitive, and someone I've always looked up to.


Yesterday we had a chapel speaker at work who spoke about sibling relationships... how God has provided us with our very own best friends right in our home... that we should cherish our relationships... work to grow them... pray together and grow in God together... etc. It was really interesting and I really appreciated what he had to say. I know we don't all get along well with our siblings, but I think it's a relationship worth working hard on.

I can honestly say Tim has always been one of my best friends, I've just never really classified him as such. When I refer to my best friends, I think of it literally as 'friends'. I mean, yes, I definitely have family members who'd fall in that kind of category... like my mom, brother, husband, etc. But I like to classify family and friends separately, I just don't think of them in the same way. Like when I say in quick response who my best or dearest friends are, I just automatically mean outside of family. Cool? K, cool.

With that said, I adore my brother. He is one of my favorite people on the planet. We spent 2 hours over hot chocolate {me} and coffee {him} on my last day in our hometown after Christmas, and it was wonderful. Of course, now that he's a pastor he just seems to be growing even more in the advice and counseling column, which I deeply appreciate right now. :) His biblical knowledge is admirable, his reliability incredible, and his total integrity is quite respectable. I think watching him as a dad and interacting more with our family now that he lives back in our hometown {as of Feb 09} has just deepened our relationship and my ability to relate with him. I just love watching him with his two girls and doting on his wife.

I'm soooo thankful God gave me such a great bro!!

Thanksgiving 09

When we were 5 and 2

Happy Friday everyone!

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