
Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscar Night

A friend of mine {well, technically hubster's as he went to high school with her, but now she's my friend too! :)} invited me to her annual Oscar awards night party. I talked about this a bit yesterday... remember how I was thinking I wasn't sure I wanted to go and was afraid of how I'd look compared to the other ladies {why do we do that to ourselves?!?!}? Let me just tell you... I am soooooo glad I went! All my insecurities and selfish hesitancies were all for not.

It was an incredibly, wonderful evening with a great group of women. All your average, normal women who just like to laugh, have fun chatting, and nibbling on some food.

It was a formal, ladies only party. And I had an absolute blast. We laughed a ton. Commented a lot on dresses, hair, who we think is cute or pretty, who won and shouldn't have, who won and we were excited for {biggest cheer of the night of course for Sandra Bullock's best actress win for her role in The Blind Side}, took pics of each other looking pretty in our get-up garb, and won prizes. {I was in a three-way tie for getting the most wins right. So fun.}

But, I am sooo exhausted today. Two days into my "no caffeine again attempt", I've already given in twice. In part thanks to going back on Amitriptyline {pain med} and being off it just long enough that the drowsiness side effect is getting to me again {say it with me now: "grrrrrrr"}, and in part that I didn't get home until after midnight and therefore wasn't in bed until after 1 am.

But it's a good, very happy exhausted.

Here are some fun pics from the evening. :) Enjoy!

Tim got me started by washing my car
Say it with me now... awwwww :)
My dress
{First at home [[why on earth we took the pics in our ugly hallway I'm not sure]], then later at the party}

My jewelry & shoes
{jewelry is from my wedding & shoes are from a purchase a couple years ago}
{and yes I was a wee bit chilly!!}
All of us beauties
{first pic, thanks to Jenni at Lion's Roar Media--she's the blond in the middle, hostess and Tim's high school friend}

Some of the amazing food
Great company

I love Sandra Bullock and Queen Latifah - they make me smile and they are both just very sweet, humble people from everything I've seen and heard. So they are my star beauties of the night!!
And as it turns out, I did feel pretty and I did have a ton of fun. I'm so glad I went!!


  1. Aww you look so pretty. Looks like you had a blast. I LOVE Sandra Bullock she is marvelous and such a humanitarian.

    Have a great weekend! I am a new follower , I found you on a nut's blog LOL.. I love her..

  2. Awww thanks G-Zell!! :) I appreciate that.

    Thanks for following me! I know, I love 'a nut' too, she is seriously the best. :)

  3. You looked lovely in that dress! I'm glad you were able to go and have such a fun evening. What a great way to watch the Oscars and do something different.
