
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Work Video Promo Shoot

The middle of last week was a complete whirlwind of activity. I was swept away into very full days of a professional promotional video shoot for a Christmas product coming later this year.

It was amazing. incredible. utterly exhausting. hilarious. fun. memorable for sure. a complete riot at times.

I learned a ton. I have such a better perspective on the realities of all the time it takes for them to make movies. I cannot imagine leading a full life like that all the time like they do! It really is crazy.

I was a communication major in college (speech communication major, media communication minor) and I live for this kind of thing. I LOVED it!! (Yes, despite all the onslaughts of pain that hit me throughout and after. I just pushed through, and am very glad I did. I don't regret a second of it, and no flare-up. I'm so thankful!)

We hired professional actors, directors, and video/photo directors. They were all absolutely incredible to work with. I bonded with coworkers. I froze. I bonded with coworker's spouses, fiances, girlfriends, parents, etc. I froze some more. It was really a neat way to get to know people. We laughed a lot. We were bug-eyed tired together. We were looney together. I got to know our little work town like the back of my hand. I froze some more. I laughed more. My bright red scarf will someday be famous for adorning a snowman in our video. I walked away so thankful for the experience, just praising God despite the extra 16 or so vigorous hours I put in. It was all very worth it.

And we know without a doubt that all that hard work will pay off because it will impact people in this world with the gospel!!

Back row L to R: Tony (lighting), Helmet (lighting), Jon (work video director), Dave (professional director); Front row L to R: Mike (professional director of photography), Josh (work creative director & lead actor), me (work administrator/editor, assisting with production, food, & errands), Mike (professional actor). Missing: Olivia (6 year old who left earlier in the evening).
Please be kind. This picture was taken at 12:30 a.m. after we'd started working on it at 3 p.m. We were all a wee bit exhausted! ;)

Way to go team. You guys are the best!

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