Today is actually so much more than that to me.
It's my Grandpa's 90th Birthday.
It's my Brother & His wife's TEN year anniversary.
Tim, I didn't know Jeremi very well when you started dating. I didn't know her really well for years after you married. Now I'm honored to consider her one of my dearest friends. And your kids are ridiculously amazing. And then there's you. You are just hands down the best brother ever. I appreciate you more than words can say. Thanks for being so committed, loving, and godly with your wife and kids! And Jer, you are a precious gift to our family. Thanks for all the laughs, good talks, inspiration, incredible mothering of my nieces, and great cooking! Thanks for letting us invade your house so much, you put up with us well. :) You two are the best! Happy 10 year!!!
It's the birthday of the dog we grew up with {miss you Sandy!}.
I just had to throw that out there for fun. :)
And of course I don't have a single picture of any of those to share. Stupid ancient cameras.
So instead you get the two recent pictures with my Grandpa and my brother & his wife in them. :)
Gosh I love these people.
And they are the reason I'm taking a whirlwind, crazy trip to my hometown Friday afternoon to Saturday night. The only reason.
Well, that and nearly 12 hours in the car with this dude.
{ahem, that's my daddy :)}
Have a great trip! Tell your dad and Tim and fam hello for me.