
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where I'm at Now with This Whole Fibro Thing

Here's a conversation I had today on Facebook with a guy who is more or less like a Grandpa to me. I love him dearly despite having only met him in person once. He's full of wisdom, wit, and kindness. I simply adore him and his wife. I'll have to post more about that another time. For now, I just really liked talking with him about this, and was able to put it into words a little better than I can sometimes here. So I wanted to paste the conversation here...all for God's glory:

So glad you are feeling better. You had a tough time for a while. Checked out your blog and understand better the agony of fibro. God is giving you a wonderful spirit through it all. Praise His name.

Aww, thanks Bernie! It's encouraging to hear that others are seeing the effects of the Lord in me through this. It's truly so hard, but God has really poured out His grace on me. It's so easy with Fibro to get swept up in how awful you feel, woe is me, to dwell on the negatives, and slink into depression. It took me a couple of years to get to this point where I'm thankful for it, consider a blessing, and am just trying to help give God the glory. He allowed this in my life for a reason, it's time I step up to the plate and own it. Being depressed isn't going to help, although I think I had to go through that to get to where I am now. Praise God he brought me through that time to the other side! I still have hard days, but overall, I'm doing a lot better than I was 2-3 years ago!!! :) Praise the Lord!

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