
Thursday, July 1, 2010

My friend Monica

By now most of you know that I get tired of talking too often about Fibromyalgia. My life is more than my illness, and I don't want it to always just be about that.

So by now many of you also know my dear, wonderful friend Monica... also known as the mother to Parker, the kiddo I take pictures of and post about on here enough that some think maybe he's my own kid. Well, he's the closest I've had to it actually, and despite that we aren't related, he really does feel like my own flesh and blood. I love him, and his parents, like family. I can't explain it but there's a connection there beyond most friendships I know. I am soooo blessed to get to spend time with them on a regular basis. They've let me enter into the home 1-3x a week, and I get to share fun, food, laughs, cries, and milestones with them. They are quite a delight and truly are a Godsend.

Well, today is Monica's 26th birthday. She's quite a young-in compared to me ;).

I truly cannot imagine where my life would be without this truly amazing, wonderful, sacrificial, loving friend. She's the best there is. We've connected in ways that I don't understand or never thought possible with a friend I'd known for a short time. As of today, we've barely known each other 3 years, but I feel like I've known her my entire life. She is... beyond describable.

I love my friends all dearly. I wish them all the very best. I don't like to compare friends or ever make anyone feel bad. But Monica is also just the type of friend you want other people to know. I want you to share in her humor, wisdom, and creativity. I'd really encourage you to check out her blog at Deliberately Domestic. She's a.m.a.z.i.n.g. in every way.

Monica was there when I needed someone most. She understood so much of what I was going through when I started telling people at work about my Fibromyalgia symptoms. We were able to connect through personal stories, shared heartache and illness, and doctor recommendations. I don't know where I'd be today without her.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONICA!!!! I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your friendship, and I truly hope you have the best day EVER!

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