
Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting To Know Me

In response to my fellow Fibro blogger CJ, I thought I'd also do a getting to know me post. 

I'm a 32 year old wacko with a competitive but sensitive spirit, zest for life, who has no kids, and no pets but it's never dull around here. I've been married to my hubster Tim for 10 years. I grew up in the country, but now live in the western suburbs of Chicago {always to my amazement; thought I'd always be a country girl}. I love my job as an administrator/editor for a small Christian publishing company. It's only my second job out in the workforce and I've been there 9 years. Prior to that I was an assistant for the radio division of a homeless shelter in downtown Chicago. That's right...graduate college, get married 6 weeks later, go on our honeymoon, deal with hubster nearly getting killed by a drunk driver a week to the day after our wedding, have one more week off to get settled in, and then start work in downtown Chicago. Talk about culture shock.

We attend a totally amazing, albeit imperfect, church where our pastoral team is unbelievably phenomenal. We are 1 church on 5 campuses of about 12,000 people. It's non-denominational but our 4 main pillars are:
1. Proclaiming the authority of God's Word without apology. 2 Tim 4:2
2. Lifting high the name of Jesus through worship. John 4:24
3. Believing firmly in the power of prayer. Eph 6:18
4. Sharing the good news of Jesus with boldness. Eph 6:19-20

My favorite color is purple. My favorite musicians are the David Crowder Band. I'm currently reading 4 books at's even starting to drive me crazy. They are: Take Two {fiction by Karen Kingsbury}, A Waist Is a Terrible Thing to Mind {hilarious book about learning to love your body & yourself for who you are}, What Did You Expect? {a great book about the realities of marriage that we published where I work}, and When Life Is Hard {phenomenal book about trials by my pastor}.

Click the About Me tab above to learn even more.

Currently my dream is to become a full-time/stay-at-home mom. There are various reasons playing into why we don't have kids yet, but at this time I'm not going to go into it. But it doesn't change the fact that I want it very badly.

I love everyone and I want you all to feel welcomed here, no matter your beliefs. I believe very strongly, but encourage you to speak your mind, so long as you don't use God's or Jesus' name in vain or swear in my comments.

I do have Fibromyalgia, but it does not have me. At least most days. I've learned to be thankful for it and all that I've learned in the process, but come on, we all have our days where life gets the best of us. 

I am blessed beyond measure, have a wonderful Savior, a terrific husband, and more than I could ever ask for. Life is hard, but God is great! I look forward to that glorious day when I enter Heaven and am no longer in pain. But in the meantime, I want to honor and glorify Him in everything I say and do! I long for this blog to be a reflection of that.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. While I kind of knew a lot of this already [we have been friends for a little while :)], it was interesting to find out more about you. I've worked on four books at a time before but it wasn't a really enjoyable experience for me. It always takes me a long time to read nonfiction. I hope you'll be able to get through the books soon. I love the saying, A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind. It is on a sign at my favorite ice cream/smoothie shop. Sounds like a good book for all women to read.

  3. I love this idea...thanks for letting us know a little more about you.

    You are so positive in your writings...thank you.

    I know you will have a chance to be a Mom. We must remember that our life journey is designed by God and we are on HIS timeline.
    Patience is a virtue, altho it is hard to be patent isn't it?

  4. You truly have a gift for writing! And your outlook on life astounds me. More than words could speak.

  5. I want to steal this as my own

    "I do have Fibromyalgia, but it does not have me."

  6. Thanks everyone for your comments!

    Christina, indeed you know a lot about me, friend! :) I had never heard that saying before with the words twisted around like that! I think it's such a clever idea. I have to admit right now the fiction book is getting priority. ;)

    Yes Deb, it's hard to be patient when we can't see the road in front of us. I try hard to rely on the Lord and trust Him, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I don't really struggle with it.

    Sydney: you are very kind. I try to positive instead of complaining, especially on my blog where people come for inspiration. But I definitely have my down times too. I am no saint, just a sinner saved by a wonderful God, and I'm so thankful. He loves us all so much, and even though it's hard to see through the pain sometimes, I know He will always carry me through.

    Sarakastic: feel free to use. :)

    My love to you all!!
