
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Apple Picking, Part Two

Who can go apple picking without taking dorky, funny pictures?

Um, that'd be us.

Tim showing me his time-killing measures {Facebook on his phone} as we wait in line to get into the orchard's restaurant
Hey look, a limb at my height!
Hey look, here's more apples at your height!
Me in the kid picture taking area :) ~ we don't have kids so we improvise.
Me and my new best friend
What? I got hungry.
Tim trying to lick me
Having a funny moment
Aww we make ourselves want to gag ;)
Oh honey, here's even more apples at your height! {Yes, this was a regular joke that day!}
Bicep curls anyone?
Really hon? A picture of me on the wagon?.... Yes indeedy.
A pumpkin that exploded and got neon
A pumpkin with zits
My attempt at a cool pumpkin patch photo. Need a few more pumpkins apparently.

Recipes from all this apple picking to come soon....

1 comment:

  1. I can feel that you two had a great day and apples to take home too!!!

    Thanks for sharing your fun day. You made me smile.
