
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Last Weekend's Highlights

I took literally hundreds of pictures last weekend as we celebrated my dad's 60th birthday together. It truly was such an amazing time together. I know I showed you a few pics from his actual party, but I have to give you some highlights of the entire weekend too.

Er, a lot of highlights.

Cuz it's really super hard to narrow it down. This took hours.

You think I'm kidding.

I am not.

Niece Cayley helping her daddy with the air compressor, blowing up balloons for Grandpa's party :)
Some family meeting for the first time
Dad walking up to his surprise party ~ at this point I think he was still kinda figuring it out.
Enjoying the playground with lots of cousins
Cousin Steph's daughter Mellie was trying to eat the wood chips.
We were so excited about dad's cake!

Dad was such a good sport about wearing his fun 60 year decor. :) Love you for this dad!
Cayley & Uncle Tim playing some football.
Cousin Mikey and Dad in a chin-ups contest. Dad won.
So glad he can take a joke from his daughter and son-in-law. :)
My uncle & cousin together again after years apart. This was good for the soul.

I love watching my brother love on his wife. They are so insanely cute together.
I love watching Tim with my nieces. They love him to pieces and were sad here to be saying goodbye to him for the weekend. {He drove back on his own Sun aftn; I stayed and took the train back Mon night.}
My best friend Tracie's daughter Eve playing around her mom's new hat.
Tracie loving on my nieces ~ I just love this! I love that since I can't be there with them so much, she can! {They go to the same church.}
Heeheehee ~ I love these girls SO much!
I don't know what my dad & bro are doing here. Niece Olivia is taking the picture and not telling us when she's snapping it, so I think they are just caught off guard. Oh well, still love it. :)
Cayley insisted on taking a picture too
Awww :)

Hey wait a sec, is she trying to punch me?
I thought we were both smiling and enjoying this picture. When I saw his face later I asked him what he was doing. He said he was just trying to look old. Haha! I said "Dad, instead you just look mean!" LOL
Taking some stress out on some softballs at the batting cage.

I love that my dad and Tracie {who's really like a sister to me} get along so well. We had a great afternoon on Sunday with the batting cage and mini golf!
Dad appearing deep in thought. But really he was caught falling asleep on the green!

A farewell lunch with 3 of my favorite people. Dad, brother, sister. :)
What's better than an afternoon of shooting targets in the middle of the country on a beautiful, quiet, sunny, breezy Monday afternoon with a couple of your favorite guys?!?!

My farewell team Monday night before I hopped on Amtrak and headed home.
What an incredibly wonderful, family-oriented, relaxing, delightful, fun, good-for-the-soul weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Rochelle, I thoroughly enjoyed your family photos. I can see the mutual love for one another and how happy everyone is. You are so lucky. Thanks for sharing.
