
Thursday, October 28, 2010

What It Means to Love - Adoption Video

Adoption has really been heavily on my heart and mind lately. I can't fully explain why, except that God put it there.

Given that my body isn't yet ready to have a baby, but I do want kids so very badly and my heart aches to hold a child of my very own, I've been doing some research on adoption. Praying about it a lot. Reading the stories of friends who have adopted. Reading bits and pieces of the book Adopted for Life by Russell Moore.

I greatly admire & respect the thoughts of our friends Don & Sara who are currently in the process of adopting a child/children from Ethiopia. Here's what they have to say about adoption and our call to love the helpless orphans of the world.

But to be perfectly honest, Tim & I disagree on this. Adoption isn't something he's interested in right now, he wants to wait until we've hopefully had kids of our own. It's not that he doesn't think adoption is a good thing, he just doesn't see us doing it right now. It's a long story that I don't want to share all the details about, but I appreciate your prayers in this regard, that God would make it clear to us together as a couple what we should do.

At church this weekend they showed a powerful video about adoption that I can't get out of my head. It's a song written by one of our worship leaders {called What It Means to Love; it's available on her latest album, As Long As It Takes} and pictures of families at our church who have adopted.

Please watch it. It's very touching - girls, grab a kleenex {or maybe it's just me?}....

What it Means to Love from Harvest Bible Chapel on Vimeo.


  1. Adoption is a beautiful thing, but also a very hard thing. Be prayerful.

  2. Will keep you in my prayers Rochelle. It's hard to be patient while waiting for God to show you your path. I don't have patience.

  3. God will let things fall in place for you just as they should!

  4. Just found your blog~praying that all goes according to God's plan for your life:) Look forward to 'getting to know' you!
