
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Confesssions of a True Movie-Goer: Movie Review of Unstoppable

Unstoppable is a movie force to be reckoned with.

If you have any anxiety or blood pressure problems, I advise against going to see this movie. It is intense, unnerving, and unsettling from the get-go.

Seriously, unlike any other intense action movies I've ever seen. This summer I sat through A-Team, Iron Man 2, Karate Kid, and others that were also intense at points. I loved them.

Within 30 minutes of Unstoppable, I abandoned my dad and husband, and I left the theatre.

No joke.

Thankfully for me, my dad & I had driven there separately after a shopping excursion near the theatre, and hubster met us there. So after my blood pressure felt like it had sky-rocketed and I was just sure a panic attack was about to consume me... I exited, went to my car, and texted Tim that I was heading home but that I was okay and for them to enjoy the movie. {Which they did, and they kindly brought home dinner for us to enjoy there since me ditching them meant we weren't eating out!}

I felt awful. This was on a whole other level. The entire plot of the movie is about this unstoppable train. If you go see it, watch for about 30 minutes in... you'll know exactly when I walked out, trust me.

On the plus side, I was glad dad and Tim got to hang out alone for a bit! 

I made them not tell me the ending {except the guessable ultimate conclusion} since I have every intention of waiting to see it at home on DVD where I can regulate my anxiety, stop, rewind, walk away, etc.

So okay, true confessions, I can apparently no longer sit through mega intense movies in the theatre.

Apparently in my old age, I have become a woos. 

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