
Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Mom

My mom is one of my favorite people on the planet. And she turns 60 in a few days. I'm currently traveling and spending time with this marvelous, precious woman of God, throwing her a big birthday party, and soaking in lots of family time. {I wrote this post and scheduled it before leaving.}

Mom, I love you so much! You deserve the very best, and I'm so thankful for your love, encouragement, wisdom, passion for Christ, love for others, sacrifices for me and my brother, tears, hugs, laughs, bike rides, and everything you've always done for me. I know you give all the honor and glory to God, and that just makes me love and respect you even more. We celebrate you today not just for who you are, but Whose you are.

Happy 60th Birthday Mom! 


  1. Happy Birthday to your Mom!! Hope you have an awesome time celebrating:)

  2. Oh that's wonderful!! And Happy Birthday to your Mum! I love seeing that you're so close to her!
