
Friday, January 7, 2011

Fabulous Friday - Guess the Picture and Win!


Can you guess what this is? It's my favorite Christmas gift! But... what is it??

To be eligible: 
You can't be someone I know personally who already knows the story behind this gift or exactly what it is that I'm referring to. So shhhh!

The first person to guess correctly and appear in my comment string will receive a free* ESV Personal Size Reference Bible from me!

Please make sure your email is displayed in your comments if it's not linked through your blog profile so that I can contact you directly upon winning.

Contest ends Saturday, January 8th at 10:00 AM CST.  **CONTEST CLOSED, winner to be announced shortly!**

Have fun! :)

*Disclaimer: This is a Bible I purchased with my own money at my employee discount.


  1. Holy Cow, I have NO idea...but ummm......

    seriously not a clue..I've looked and looked and thought about it and I don't have any idea LOL...that's horrible!

    I would guess a Wii game but I honestly don't know what it is....hehe well good luck to everyone else that has some sort of brain!

    Love you sweetie---

  2. Hmmm... That's a tricky picture! I think it looks like some kind of a kitchen utensil. A knife or pastry scraper/cutter thingy.

    Sure would love a purple ESV Bible... esp since I left my main ESV Bible accidentally in France.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I think it's your new khaki color shoulder bag :)

  5. Now that the contest is over, WHAT IS IT?
    I'm dying to know!! I would have loved the purple bible. My favorite color!!
