
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Things I Like Tuesday

1. Spring trees blooming in my hometown last weekend {they haven't really started blooming here, it's been too cold still}.

2. Fan my brother & his family gave me last weekend. They bought it as a bit of a joke, but they know I get hot really easily so not only was it funny, it was also quite practical. :) It helped a lot that 87 degree weekend, and also again this past weekend at the big wedding we helped our friends with! It has an awesome long string for going around my neck and I can just rest it there. It's a.m.a.z.i.n.g.

what? it comes in really handy!!

3. I like watching more construction happening in our offices. This is already from a few weeks ago, and the expansion is now nearly completed. It's the back part of our old mezzanine storage area on the second floor. The very last of our storage space is gone, but it's about to be the new Bible division offices. It's exciting!!!

4. I like practical jokes, and April Fool's Day. This had to be the best one of the day.

Given all the construction we've had going on, it wasn't all that surprising to see a sign of this type. I think we all assumed some sort of construction or alarm system work was going on and we had to exit out the other door. However, when we got to the other door, it said the opposite message. So those parked out front went to the front door, only to find it telling us to exit through the back door. We get to the back door, only to find it telling us to exit through the front door, and vice versa. It was momentarily frustrating, and then absolutely hilarious when it started dawning on people!! It got everybody! So, so fun!

5. I like - really, really, really like my job {and not just because of the hilarity that often abounds there, such as the above}! It's just really an incredible place to work! Here's the view from where I sit each day.

Happy Tuesday!

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