
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


It's always a month of crazy schedules, great celebrations, and a whirlwind of activity.

And gorgeous displays of flowers!! :)

This year it's no different.

But this year it comes with a few extras.

Tomorrow is the first day in 5 years I'll have a different boss. She's already a great teammate, easygoing, knowledgeable, a team-player, a great asset to the team, and a good friend. I'm thankful to already know her, get along with her, and appreciate her dearly. I'll miss reporting to Al, but I'm sure reporting to Kathy will go just as well. It's a good organizational flow, and it makes sense for the future of the company. I'm excited for this transition and I'm sure it'll be great!

Tomorrow is also the first day in the history of our company that we'll have 2 book typesetters. Our new assistant book typesetter starts tomorrow, and we are SOOOO excited!! Welcome Josh! This is going to be a really big deal! It's a very busy season for us right now, and adding Josh to the team is going to be great!

June 1st is the beginning of our work's fiscal year, so with it comes inventory time, a pizza party on Friday, work reviews, and a heightened stress level for many. It doesn't affect me too much in that regard, but it's an incredibly busy week nonetheless.

I just said goodbye to my family yesterday, but we'll see my mom & stepdad again Thursday night when they arrive here through Saturday afternoon. They're coming into town for our church's big first annual 5K event. There are about 350 runners/walkers participating so far. It's a multi-terrain course designed by a church employee who loves to run and design courses. Our church campus works well for this sort of thing with lots of trees, trails, and a big circle that makes it fairly easy {albeit confusing} for something such as this. Mom & Jerry are walking it, Tim is running it {I'm so proud of him for the training he's done for this!}, and I'm one of the volunteer team directors. We are all looking forward to Saturday morning, and are glad it's no longer calling for the low-90 degree temp it was a couple days ago!

June 24th we will celebrate 11 wonderful, crazy, amazing, insane years of marriage! We'll do so with a trip back to my hometown for the first ever cousin reunion on my dad's side of the family. I'm coordinating the event, and I hope it goes smoothly! It's been a long time since we've all really seen each other. Our Grandma passed away 6 years or so ago this past January. We got together back then, but it was different and more somber. There's been years of hurt and difficulties within those family ties, and I really hope we can regroup, get past all of that, and start a new tradition. I'm really looking forward to it!

Right after that, we'll celebrate my birthday. After we get back home from that weekend, my mom & stepdad will again follow us up here the next weekend for a July 4th celebration together. On July 2nd, I will celebrate my 10 year work anniversary. Wow. It's hard to believe.

Once that's all over, I'm taking a break!!! ;) I'm thankful Memorial Day weekend was so nice and relaxing, or I just might start flipping out!

June - you are always wonderful and always insane. Now if those 90 degree temps could stay away, that'd be just swell....

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