
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Movie Reviews

Something Borrowed {theatre}:
Hilarious, cute, adorable, weird at times, a lot of language and sexual innuendoes/cheating/sleeping around stuff. Not for you if you're sensitive or bothered easily by that sort of stuff. But if you know what you believe, just want to see a cutsie/funny/romantic comedy/chick flick, then you may want to go see this nice, relaxing movie. Hubster laughed many times, despite otherwise feeling slightly tortured throughout. ;)

The King's Speech {rented}:
Really, really good! I heard this was such a phenomenal movie. It won lots of awards and was raved about seemingly by everyone who saw it. It's definitely a really great movie, and it's done very well. But after all the hype, it's hard to know what to expect. It didn't quite live up to all the amazing reviews it got because they made it sound so sensational. It was funny, delightful, interesting, even all the bad language was consolidated to just a few sections and they did it pretty humorously, a good, solid, decent film. However, you know how you hear sooo much good stuff about a movie, and then you see it and you think it's really good, but it's not quite like that?! That's how this was for me. Great, but not sensational-lets-give-it-every-possible-award.

The Green Hornet {rented}:
One word: lame. A not-bad superhero-ish concept, but not well executed, lots of language, and too much awkwardness. Blech.

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