
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Not Just Work - Book Division Picnic

We have a lot of fun where I work. We work hard, but we also play hard.

As many of you know, I work for a Christian publishing company. On Friday night July 17, we enjoyed our book division picnic at our boss's house. It was a lot of fun!!

Even hubster seemed to enjoy it, and some of my coworkers said that's the most they've ever seen Tim talk or come out of his shell, YAY!! :)

Our boss is fabulous and we are so thankful for him! He and his wife opened their home to us, let us go crazy in their backyard, and we all really enjoyed it...despite all the pesky mosquitoes that wouldn't quit!

I got to know more of my coworkers families, which is always such a thrill for me.

Never a dull moment when Justin & Dane are around... especially when you get them competing in a bean bag toss, trying to do all kinds of tricks like tossing around the back and under the legs!

This is sooo Dane.
Totally. cracks. me. up!!

That is a troublesome bunch.
In the publishing world, those guys are a force to be reckoned with!!!

That's a good dad! Holding one while running/playing tag with the older two! He gotz skillz.

So thankful for this great team!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like fun! I'll bet you're the friendliest one at the company!
