
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Being a Mom

I don't know what being a mom is like, I'm not one.

But what I do know is that I am good with babies and kids.

Sometimes I amaze and startle people with the information I know given that I'm not a mom. I have to admit a bit of pride kicks in when I realize people are amazed... it's rewarding to be able to say that even though I'm not a part of the ever-so-elusive "mom club", I can dazzle others with my knowledge of babies, what to do, how to hold them, etc.
{Edited to add: Please don't misunderstand me, I know in the grand scheme of motherhood I know nothing. But I'm just saying I know I'm good with kids to a certain degree...and I also hand them back to mom when I'm done.}

Total sidebar:
I admit that while super excited for Monica on the upcoming arrival of baby #2 in January, I'm also completely petrified at the notion of babysitting two kiddos. I'm already psyching myself up for it. Yes, it's true, I'm scared they'll defeat me, but I don't care, I'm going to love the crap out of those kids. I missed Parker for two weeks recently while he was away on vacation, and my now nearing 6 days of not seeing him is driving me absolutely batty {missing Monica more, but you know what I mean!}. I love that kid and I'm sure it'll be the same with baby #2. But still... freaky. And I cannot imagine feeling that as a parent. That scares me even more. So in the meantime, I will continue to observe Monica & Brian to see close-up and personal just how they juggle the maze of multiple kids. I feel like the next year is going to be epic. Don't tell them I told you that. ;) Haha.

Last night's girls night out with special friends {current & former coworkers} meant also meeting a former coworker's 6 1/2 week old baby.

And I fell instantly and wholeheartedly in love with Isaac.

I mean, how could you not fall in love with him?!?! Isn't he precious?!

I absolutely love these wonderful ladies! They are a gift I'm unceasingly thankful for. We've never all hung out together before like this, but we all get along so well and we hope to make this a more regular gathering. What fun!!

L to R: Sherah, Erika, Georgia, Isaac, Lydia, & I 

Upon leaving, one of my friends paid me the best compliment ever: "You're the most natural born mother I've ever met."

Wow. It was so sweet and I thanked her.

And as I closed the car door after she dropped me back off at my car, I had to fight back the tears and the inkling to say in response: "Yeah, if only I could actually put that into action."

First of all, that would have been completely inappropriate to say. And secondly, because even though there are hard days, there are more days lately when I'm just thankful for the role I do get to play in the lives of the kids I love and know right now. I'm enjoying spoiling and loving on kids as I am able. I love knowing that spiritually I can have an impact on other kids, even if they aren't my own.

No matter my knee-jerk reaction, I'm trying to just soak up what I have... instead of what I don't.

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