My chiropractor visit Saturday was amazzzzzing!!!!
It's been too many months since my last visit. It's still hard for me to figure out why I don't make myself get up there more often. It's only 30 minutes out of the way, but in rush hour traffic it's worse. I find all kinds of excuses and deal with the fatigue, but ultimately it helps so much!
Dr. D. is great and knows me really well. You see, tomorrow {Wednesday} it's been 5 years since my first Fibromyalgia symptoms appeared and I first started going to him for treatment.
5. years. Wow.
I tried multiple other chiropractors to see what else might work over the years, since I was totally new to chiropractic care. I always ended up back with Dr. D. He's a solid Christian man, I trust him completely, Tim has come with me to several appointments and feels at ease with him too, and I feel so much better every time I go there.
His office used to be 5 minutes from work so in my first year or so, I went pretty often. But I got burnt out on it, and the visits are now usually every 2-3 months and sometimes more. I have another appointment with him in about two weeks and that makes me happy. :)
Friday night and Saturday morning I was feeling really, really, really burnt out and overwhelmed, emotional, and vulnerable. I prayed that God would help me relax at this appointment so that I'd feel refreshed and come away without so much stress knocking me out of whack.
And wow, God totally provided!
Now, I'm usually a pretty straight-forward person, but occasionally I still keep quiet out of fear, reality checks, or insecurities that creep in. Saturday I finally just let a few things out that have been bothering me as he was treating me. And I took a huge step and decided to talk to him about nutrition & workouts.
I've known that he's a licensed clinical nutritionist, but it takes me a long time and a lot of built-up trust to really dive into talking about the nitty-gritty stuff like that with people. [I'm uber sensitive when it comes to diet & exercise stuff... long story, coming soon, I promise.] And I knew asking him about it would mean full-speed ahead.
Indeed, that's what it's looking like it might be.
There's so much I'm still processing, still discussion points to cover with Tim, and still some time to think it all over. I need to be able to do all of that prior to posting more about it here. Please just pray for me, that God will give us wisdom and discernment. It's a really, really big deal for me... and quite frankly, I'm scared to pieces but also absolutely ready!
Also, Dr. D. gave me a much-appreciated compliment - he can tell I'm doing way better than I used to be, even though I can also tell that I'm not doing as well as I was 6-9 months ago.
That's SUCH great news!! I've been beating myself up so much over the past couple of months since I fell off the bandwagon so hard.
Today I'm just trying to take it all in stride and give myself a bit of grace as I strive to seek after Christ and honor him with my body. It won't happen overnight, it's been a long time in the making, I'm exhausted and burnt out, hoping for the best, and hopefully am on the long journey to losing weight and being healthier.
We'll see. Don't hold your breath. I've been known to screw it up. A lot.
There is so much happening in our lives due to chronic illness. Hope you are feeling good today and might consider being part of Fibro Bloggers Directory to help raise awareness about this disease.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever seen the documentary "Fat,sick, and nearly dead?" I know it has a dramatic title, but I watched it recently and LOVED it. It was so inspiring. It was all about juicing and how increading micronutrients helps your body so much. Leif and I are going to start juicing for breakfast just to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You should watch it. It made me cry because I was so happy at the end :).
ReplyDeleteHere is a link to a trailer
It sounds like it was an epiphany of sorts, and I'm so glad you had such a great experience.
ReplyDeleteReally encouraging - thanks for sharing! I have been trying to set up goals for myself in these same areas and am just trying to take it a day at a time abd remember that even little successes count and they add up too!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds great! It's good to have a chiropractor you can trust, no? People who are in the field of healing in general need to have that kind of connection with their patient, so both people would be able to seek an ideal situation for relief...
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