
Monday, August 1, 2011

Movie Reviews - The Green Lantern, Transformers 3, The Switch, and More

In the theatre - 

The Green Lantern:
Surprisingly decent. Some Satanic-like characters that creeped me out, but thankfully weren't in there too much. A good, exciting ride, full of spontaneous humor that seems to be frequent in any characters Ryan Reynolds plays these days. Sweet romance, adventure, action-packed, funny, and enjoyable. Not recommended for younger children sensitive to strange creatures.

Transformers 3: 
Visually stunning. Special effects amazing per usual. Rip-roaringly funny {funnier than other 2}. Hardly even noticed the female lead change, it worked well. Music not as good. Action was great. Movie dragged out a bit too much. Took a while to get to big action scenes, but then they didn't come back and wrap it up like they usually do. So ending seemed a bit abrupt. Storyline wasn't as developed or as good as it could have been. Final song with credits was definitely disappointing. {I always love listening to Transformers soundtracks, so trust me when I tell you the music on the 3rd one is nowhere near what it could have sad.} The mom was hysterical and a few of the robots had some really funny banter. They do a great job highlighting the city of Chicago. Per usual the lead female is too scantily-clad and there's a scene at the beginning that is useless and frustrating, but we think it was downplayed compared to the last 2. Overall, a must see for any Transformers fan! I'll be interested to hear your take on it if you see it! I look forward to being able to see it again to piece together all my thoughts about it!

Rented -

Tron Legacy:
I was really surprised at how good this was. The soundtrack and special effects were incredible.

Nancy McPhee Returns:
Cute, but not as good as the first one. That's usually the case with sequels, isn't it?

Due Date:
Oh barf. What a horrific bore, full of completely unnecessary incessant language. We kept waiting for the funny parts. After about 45 minutes we were bored to death, and neither of us were paying attention. We finally hit stop. We should have done so 10 minutes in. What a waste of time.

The Switch: 
{This is a more detailed review based on watching it over and over in a couple of weeks time.}
I wasn't sure what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised. It starts out poorly, but based on some truths about us crazy humans. Some liners in there that are completely inappropriate and unnecessary, but oddly make me giggle anyway. It's based on a concept that the female lead role desires badly to have a baby outside of wedlock via a sperm donor {played by Jennifer Aniston--who finally has a cute romcom where she stays fully clothed minus two modest nighties and doesn't have a total potty mouth}.

Jason Bateman is appearing in more and more movies as of late, and I can see why! He's got great comedic timing, and played this character very, very well! Jeff Goldblum plays his usual, hilarious, delightful, bizarre self. He does a great job of playing the role of close-guy-friend who Bateman's character looks up to and confides in. The kid they get to play the role of Sebastian is incredible and has some hilarious one-liners and expressive faces.

The worst parts of the movie are Aniston's best girlfriend {played by the excellent actress Juliette Lewis} who is just lame, weird, and kills the cute romcom movie vibe - and the moments where you feel really badly for Diane Sawyer. 

They show one very unnecessary scene of a play where you see a guy's bare backside, and then one fuzzy, quick glimpse at his front. If you want to skip over it, fast forward from 29:12-29:29 and 30:32-30:37.

Funny, spunky, charming, sweet, great acting, there are some things you can see coming and some scenes & discussions you could do without, but overall it is so, so, so surprisingly cute and a good romcom! It's too bad they ruined it with the unnecessary stuff.

Borrowed from a friend - 

Still kind of sorting this one out. It was definitely moving, edgy, powerful, interesting, and offbeat. There were some questionable segments for sure, controversial material, and excellent material.

Have you all seen some good movies lately?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks - very helpful and im still confused on my thoughts on juno too!!
