
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Random Thoughts

**As I type this {well, as I started typing it... now it's about 24 hrs later}, my favorite little Parker guy is napping in the other room. I'm babysitting this afternoon while his parents hang out and get some time to themselves. I always love watching him, but the reality of my Fibro & how big he is getting always hits and fear creeps in. I am struggling. I know it. But I don't want to miss out on special time with this guy if I can help it. So I power through, and rest up afterwards.

**I put my gym membership on hold this week. It was really hard. I was going to cancel, but when I walked through the door I just couldn't do it. I poured out a lot of sweat and dealt with a lot of stuff in that place. I'm pretty sure it's time to move on, but I just couldn't quite let it go. When I found out I could put it on hold for $10 a month, I did that instead. I'm thinking it over this month and will decide for sure. No more letting time or money slip away, it's just too important. I'm tired of letting myself get away with life getting so busy that I'm not taking care of me, but I also really struggle with making it stop. Ideally I'd work out in the mornings, but I hate mornings and my body doesn't want to cooperate then. I'm still working on figuring all of this out. I've heard the wide array of options, what works for Fibro and what doesn't, etc etc. I know what my choices are, it's just a matter of finding out what best works for me. The stress & strain of working out that hard & intensely for over a year completely burnt me out!! So I'm rethinking my strategy and trying to sort through the mess of emotions that goes along with it for me.

**We had a great annual company picnic yesterday {Friday now} - I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, despite the heat! Thankfully it wasn't as hot as it's been sometimes, but it was a bit humid. Kudos to all the soccer players who persevered through it! Wow. I have some amazing pictures. I get so far behind on them that this time last night I went home to immediately start working on them so I could get it done this weekend and stay on top of it, and the pictures won't transfer from my camera to my computer, ughhh!! Tim has done a great job of trying to figure it out {with a long phone call last night to their troubleshooting hotline} and we'll see what happens. The memory card appears to be corrupt. I'd not had any problems with it prior to yesterday so this is frustrating. It's a new camera!! Grrr. Hopefully we'll get that sorted out soon, there are some great shots I can't wait to share!

**The BIG issue(s) I was asking prayer for recently was in regards to a family issue I can't say much about here. But we're working through it and we do appreciate your continued prayers!

**My uncle's surgery on Thursday for removing part of his lung that had a melanoma spot on it went well. They got home yesterday and he's doing okay, but is still pretty uncomfortable. Thanks for your prayers!

**We are so thankful for this reprieve from travel & guests, as we get a lot of stuff done around the house and in our lives. Unfortunately one big fix last weekend with my car seems to have reappeared again this week, grrr! But alas, such is life. I'm still just very thankful for my car. I've also made several trips to Goodwill with items we haven't used in a long time. It's been very freeing to have the time to sort out closets and such. Although, looking at the next few weeks it's hard to believe we're already booked with something going on each weekend but at least we aren't traveling!!

**Taking each day as it comes. Still trying to figure stuff out. But clinging to God harder & deeper than I have ever done before. He is so faithful & true, no matter our doubts or frustrations. He is SO good!

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