
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Recent Happenings

Last weekend we were quite busy. Friday over lunch my female coworkers had an honorary luncheon/shower for our president's wife with the burning down of their house. We wanted to show them our love & appreciation with this little event, and I'm certain it blessed us as much as her!

Lydia giving her opening remarks
Lindsay & Lindsay - marketing peeps
Danielle {our new customer service rep, replacing my friend Annemarie, she's really sweet!} , me, & Abigail
Me with Angie, Lindsay, & Lindsay - great girls!
Me with Ebeth, the star of the show
Lydia & Ebeth - such sweet, godly women!!

Friday night we babysat Parker while Brian & Monica went out, and we got our own little date just hanging out at their house. It was really nice and fun!! And really... aren't they just the cutest couple?!?!?

Growing baby #2 in there!!!! :) :) 

On Saturday we helped our friends Annemarie & Brandon move (loading pods to ship across the country to Washington as they drove across in their car). It was really nice to help them, but it was also an incredibly hard day for me. They only lived a few minutes away from Brian & Monica, so after helping A & B, we went to hang out with B & M (also so I could cry on Monica's shoulder for a bit...) and we took catnaps. It was nice to have such a friend-filled weekend!

Annemarie & Beth
Annemarie & Laura
Me with Annemarie 
Abigail & Annemarie

Excellent job guys!! Brandon, Steve, & Tim
ohhhh man is it hard to see them go!

Sunday afternoon I enjoyed having a girlie day to myself with some pampering: a haircut, chick flick at the theatre (The Help--loved it!), wandering a favorite store LL Bean, and a pedicure.

It's been a pretty crazy week at work with coworker lunches, getting the flu, working a 12-hour day, doing some work from home on a tight deadline project, getting a cold, visiting friends (and getting to see a friend's mom in from out of town, yay, love that!!), and then hearing of my Grandpa's last week of life.

Friday night was rough. I talked to my dad at length, my brother, my mom, my cousin, and my aunt all until nearly 1 a.m. I was cried out and emotionally drained. I woke up Saturday feeling depressed and lethargic. I got some housework done and tried to stay intact. I was really looking forward to a night out with friends, so I pushed myself to feel better and get moving. We left home about 5 and got home about 9:30 or so I think. It was a really fun night with 3 coworkers and their families.

Justin & Lea's adorable daughters
I love this. If you knew the story here, you'd be gushing too. :)
Thankful my coworker Don and Tim are chatting it up.
giganto dog Jasper joins us
Lea whipping us up some hot fudge, yummm!
Stacey, Dane, Zach, Nate, & baby-to-be - what an amazing family!
Sara, me, Stacey, Lea - love these ladies!
Justin & Lea - I'd be totally intimidated if they weren't so down-to-earth & utterly hilarious 
Don & Sara - so sweet & fun, they are terrific!
Who on earth are these people and how did they end up with this crowd?!!

It is really, really neat to me to be able to interact with my coworkers and their wives so well. I'm so incredibly grateful for our workplace, the lives we share, and the family atmosphere. It was truly great and SO much fun to hang out with all of these wonderful couples!!!! It was sorely needed for getting my mind off of things, so much so that I forgot to mention my Grandpa to them, whoops!

Now, as we enter into a very busy week, please pray that God would bring us peace & comfort upon hearing of my Grandpa's death, and that he would be without much pain. Despite all the distance and turbulence he created in so many lives including mine, I really hate thinking of him in a lot of pain or discomfort.

Thank you friends, we appreciate you!

1 comment:

  1. You have so many friends that it makes me smile! I'm sorry your one friend is moving. That move date sure came up quickly. :(

    Praying for you in this week.
