
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Back from Vacation

We got back safely yesterday evening from a wonderful mini-vacation with my family. {Yes, I pre-scheduled several posts for your enjoyment :) while I was away.}

My mom, stepdad, brother, sister-in-law, 2 nieces, and nephew all enjoyed a partial 3 day, 2 night vacation to Pere Marquette State Park in Grafton, IL.

It was absolutely incredible!! We had such a great time together, it was quiet, peaceful, & relaxing, a neat getaway, and a perfect place to hang out together as a family. Their lodge is gorgeous, the grounds are amazing, and the Fall foliage was stunning!! 

It was perfect.

Except... my brother's family had been sick the previous week - Olivia had a bad cold, Tim had a nasty flu, and Joshua {6 mths} was just on the brink of getting sick {they thought with just a cold probably}.

We arrived Thursday afternoon and by Friday morning Josh sounded awful. He had a nasty cough and was really congested, but he was in a good mood, eating fine, and not fussy. Later on he had a low-grade fever and started getting fussier. Jeremi & I stayed behind with him throughout the day to keep an eye on him, and to make sure he rested and didn't get worse.

After his long nap {nearly 3 hrs}, he seemed a lot better - not great, but at least he wasn't lethargic and was still smiley and in good spirits. However, when he awoke Saturday morning he was worse. His barking cough was more intense, he was wheezing, having more trouble breathing, and he was extremely fussy. Tim & Jeremi left quickly from the lodge {leaving the girls to stay with all of us and ride back with mom & Jerry, so they could focus on Josh} and got him to the ER and got him checked out right away.

A couple breathing treatments, some medications, X-Rays, and several hours later revealed little Joshua has croup!!!! :( So so sad. We are thankful that he is okay but so sad that he got so sick. On the plus side, the doctors let them choose whether or not to stay at the hospital {since Jeremi's a nurse, has a stethoscope and nebulizer machine at home and can keep a close eye on him, and since they don't live far from the hospital} and so they chose to take him home where he'd be more comfortable. My brother texted me later to say Josh had a big grin on his face when they walked in the door at home. He rested much more comfortably and was enjoying the benefits of the warm mist vaporizer the moment during nap time. :)

From this face when I was watching him Friday night while his parents went on a 30 minute or so walk, who would have guessed he was so sick?

I mean really. How cute is he?!?!?!

We praise God for Josh and are so thankful he's okay despite a brief scare. And we're thankful for such a good time away with family at just the perfect time & place.

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