
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

An Update & Visitors

I've had trouble keeping up with telling you all the things that have gone on around here, so I thought I'd do a complete post.

It's hard to believe it's been over 6 months since two of our very dear friends got married, and I still haven't posted the pictures I've wanted to on it. There were some mishaps with our camera, and we had to go to our old 35mm for this event. The photo place messed up and we still don't have them digitally in a good way, so alas, I wait. We were heavily involved the wedding and it was really, really special. So I really hope to get to this soon.

It's hard to believe it's been over 5 months since we went on vacation to California... and I still haven't done the posts I wanted to on it. *sigh* Where does the time go? So to tide me over for now, here's one of my favorite scenic pictures from Santa Barbara:

I still haven't posted the wonderful happenings of our company's annual picnic.

And I still haven't done the posts about Grandpa, his funeral, and all that I went through during that time. I'm still just not quite there yet.

I'm heading out on a mini-vacation with my family shortly, and I'll probably neglect to post about that for 6 months. Then Thanksgiving & Christmas will be here before we know it.

Seriously, where does the time go??

I know that this may not be as big of a deal for you all, but to me it's really important to try to keep up, especially because this blog is very much like a journal for me. Whether people look at my life's happenings and pictures or not, it's been healing for me to have it here. To be able to look back and know that I didn't just sit around and watch life pass me by while I sat screaming in pain.

But that instead I grabbed life and took hold, and did what I could, and enjoyed the crap out of it.

Because I don't want my life to be all about me having Fibromyalgia. I want to really LIVE.

With all that said, here's more on what's been happening the past few weeks with visitors and fun! :)

To get us kicked off, I had a recent wonderful surprise Monday morning visit from Monica & the ever-so-quickly-growing-up Parker! :)

Had a wonderful time a few weekends ago with my dad. We had a lot of good conversation between going out for breakfast, shopping at LL Bean and REI, with lunch along with hubster at Chick-fil-A, shopping at Cabela's, and hanging out at the house with some homemade cookies & strawberry lemonade. We went through more of Grandpa's stuff. We talked a lot about... a lot. Things that needed to be said. Questions that needed to be asked. Memories that needed to be shared.

It was great. One of the best times I've had with dad in a while. I'm so incredibly thankful!!! I just wish I'd taken more pictures! And this one he doesn't even realize I took....

Dad enjoying his Chick-fil-A :)

So for the following weekend {which was now 2 weekends ago}, I took tons of pictures! Mom & Jerry were here for 4 days and we had a great time together.

Mom & Jerry at the showing of Courageous - they loved it!!!! :)
At Chick-fil-A

Then we went to a nearby pumpkin patch & produce farm, and we took oodles of pics...

And yes I feel like a bit of a dork in that big hat, but I'm super sun-sensitive so it goes with me even in 50 degree temperatures. It really, really helps! So I don't care if I look like a dork, deal with it. :)

And hey, the hat adds a couple inches to my height. Maybe I should wear it more often....

After a bit of relaxing {er, napping for me & Jerry!}, we headed out to the nearby river trail for a 5-mile evening bike ride. It was chilly but beautiful weather, and perfect for me since it wasn't hot and it was while the sun was going down. Soooo beautiful - we loved it!!

We love to race up the bridge that overlooks the river, then race down it into a park without peddling to see who gets the furthest. Then race back up! This time I was in a lot of pain so Tim & I stayed back and got a kick out of watching mom & Jerry race instead. Aren't they so cute?!

Saturday night Tim grilled us some burgers and we whipped up some of that corn on the cob we bought earlier that day, and used some juicy tomatoes we bought earlier that day to top off the burgers! Yumm!! Yay for fresh produce!

After that we enjoyed some caramel apples from the farm while we showed mom & Jerry The Grace Card.

Upon getting up on Sunday mom helped me prepare a pulled pork crockpot meal to have later for dinner. The rest of the day was pretty relaxing with church, sharing a meal at our favorite local cafe, mom helping me organize parts of the house, enjoyed some fresh apple cider and apple cider donuts, and mom helped me make a fresh homemade apple crisp!! Yay for time with mom in the kitchen!!

It tasted way better than it looks here before we made sandwiches out of it! At least the first time... after having leftovers in different forms this week, I'm okay if I don't eat pulled pork for quite some time!!

So thankful for incredible time with family, which has been really needed lately. I hope you are all getting out, enjoying the good things about Fall, and are doing well! 

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