
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wedded Bliss

This weekend two dear friends of mine got married, and I'm so, so, so excited for each of them!!!

When you go through a devastating funeral, events like babies being born and weddings are that much more joyous and exciting. It's a good reminder of the circle of life God has created for each of us.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

First up, Sarah & Steve. I've worked next to Sarah for about 4 years now, and she's such a delight! I'm so thankful for her and all she does. She adds a tremendous value to our book production team with her knowledge, insights, humor, and love for God. I've only had the chance to meet Steve once, but I know how happy he makes Sarah and that makes him great in my book! They got married yesterday at a destination wedding in their favorite city, Las Vegas. She had some incredibly creative ideas for her wedding and it was so neat to see it all coming together. She'll be gone for 2 weeks on her honeymoon and I cannot wait to hear all about it when she gets back!! Congrats Sarah & Steve!

Next up, Kevin & Bekah. I've only worked with Kevin since March and only got closer to him the past few months, but I'm really thankful for the consultant role that he plays in our design department. He's creative, hilarious, and a very hard worker. The thing that started it all was finding that we had a love of The Big Bang Theory TV show in common when he started shouting out "Bazinga" at random. Now we say it or "What up besty?!" to each other all the time, so fun! The moment I met Bekah we immediately clicked. We've helped them move, had lots of conversations about the wedding, etc. They are such a delightful, fun, godly, sweet couple. We can't wait to hear more details about how they're doing after their wedding today! So glad that all the stress of it is over for them though and now they can move on into this new journey! 

Could not be happier for you guys!!!!

On the flipside, I'm really going to miss Sarah & Kevin at work the next couple of weeks, yowza!!!

But seriously... Happy Weddings! :)


  1. Two weddings in one weekend? Wow!!! I wish both of them very happy lives!

  2. Oh haha, I wasn't at either of them, just wishing them well. :)
