...I finally found my stash of my favorite Christmas CD's!
I'd put them, of course, where I'd be able to find them easily.
And then forgot where I put them.
They were already in my iTunes playlist, but I didn't have any Christmas CD's for my car except 1 new one and much as I love David Crowder, playing the same one over and over and over was getting to be too much! So now I have them for my car. YAY!!
And yes, I'm still playing them, despite Christmas being over! I have a strict rule of not listening to Christmas music until a day or two before Thanksgiving {helps get me in the spirit of Black Friday shopping!} but once Christmas is over I still play Christmas music {and leave up the decorations in my house} for as long as I feel like it, usually a few days up to a couple weeks. There was one year we left our decorations up until early February! It was fun. :)
YAY!! That Happens to me also! I finally Put it in My Mp3 then Christmas is Over... and I'm like NO!!! -_-