
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas Partying

The chilly December air was filled with oodles of Christmas parties, fun, laughter, and the magical feeling you only get at Christmas time.

On one such day, we had quite a whammy with both of our big work parties being on the same day: Thursday the 8th.

The week prior to my work party, we started a gingerbread house competition. We could work on it whenever {usually over lunch or after work}, but we had to use mostly edible products, work on it only within our team of people, and then a team of judges would choose the winner at the party. It was really neat and brought people together!

Here are a few pics of some of the Book Division working on our masterpiece....

And after much debating, we ultimately won, yay!! Here are some from the other departments.

Here are some pics from our wonderful luncheon at a nearby hotel. It was SO much fun!!

Everyone mingled, checked out the other gingerbread houses...

sang a couple Christmas carols together...

ate amazing food...

laughed at the hilarious antics of the luncheon's moderators Keane & Jon - two of our creative team members who are hysterical and play well off each other

played more games...

gingerbread houses were judged by a team of people, including Kevin surprising us in a gingerbread man costume, and he was quite a hoot too!...

after all was said and done, the creative team finally broke out their "real" gingerbread house, which made everyone crack up...

...and here are a few final pictures of me with my great coworkers.

My fun table!!!
Don, Dallas, Tim, AJ, me, Zoe, Abby, Karen, & Laura

Laura, me, & Abby -
Love these gals soooo much!!!

Me & Lindsay - 
seriously don't know where I'd be without this chicky!!

And... Tim & AJ - 
never a dull moment ;)

It was quite a wonderful time of laughter and merriment among coworkers. We are so blessed to have such a great team of people!

Right after getting back from that lunch, the book division gathered together to sign all of our 400+ Christmas cards for authors, agents, etc. We always have a blast and it works very efficiently! 

Truly an amazing group of people!!

I missed a chance at the party to a get a pic with our newest coworker, Danielle, and also my newest good friend, so I had to grab one after the card signing.... Love her to pieces!

And then, it was time to say goodbye. Again. To yet another friend & coworker. Moving to the other side of the world. Miss you already Amy! But praying for continued blessings in your life as you move forward with all of the amazing things God has in store for you & through you in your future!

The moment I hugged goodbye to Amy, I ran to grab my stuff and bolt out the door a little early to be able to make it to hubster's work party on time. It was starting at 4:30 and it was a half hour drive the other direction {even further away from home... ughhh sometimes I really do wonder why we bought this house so far out, but I digress.....}.

We enjoyed several hours of bowling, pool, eating good food & free drinks {for us that means Coke}, and I enjoyed getting to know more of Tim's coworkers!

We must admit, we usually score better than this in bowling! But it was fun for me to lose only by 1 point (!!) and to actually bowl outside of the Wii. :) It was a bit nerve-wracking to have everyone watching so closely too!

The place we went to was a really cool concept - not one I'd been to before. Every group has their own section with 4 bowling lanes, tables, chairs, pool table, and an area to serve the food in. Pretty neat!

After that, we were pretty tired but I couldn't resist the chance to go to my dear friend Sherah's house, as she only lives minutes away from where we were for Tim's work party. It was really fun to hang out with her and her family!

And go gaga over her gorgeous Christmas decorations!

Love you guys - Marty, Sherah, & Charlie!

Great ending to an absolutely wonderful day!!
And I'm pretty sure, I slept like a solid rock that night.

1 comment:

  1. Your gingerbread creation deserved to win. Fabulous, girl!

    The party looked like a blast,but that gingerbread man was a little scary looking!

    I miss bowling, and that looked fun too. I can't bowl anymore because of my carpal tunnel. :(
