
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Quick Update

My chiropractor helped me quite a bit on Monday afternoon, and I'm so thankful for his mad skillz!

My tailbone pain is still not great, but it's much more manageable. At least now I can bend, move, lay, sit, stretch, go to the bathroom, shower, etc, without wanting to scream, writhing in pain, or nearly blacking out!!!

My fatigue is still bad, and I'm not sure what to do about that. Last night I attempted grocery shopping. I had to stop for a minute before approaching the check out line just to gather up even one iota that I had left of energy. I feared I might pass out in the line. It was an awful, scary feeling, but I'm thankful God gave me the strength I needed to push through and get to my car safely.

My chiropractor is amazing and he's hard to get into sometimes, so my follow-up appt isn't until next Monday, but I'm sure it'll help a lot too. Here's to feeling better soon and this Fibro flare-up disappearing soon!

So... I'm doing better overall, and greatly appreciate all your concerns and prayers!

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