
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Gift to Me

I got brave on Sunday.

This is not my normal hair color. And I'm not usually even this bold with my hair! It's an all over golden color with blondish highlights toward the front to make it pop.

Hello rebellious, brave, crazy Mother's Day gift to myself!!

Hair salons are not frequented on this day (I was my hairstylist's only client) so it was a good day to go!  I went into the salon for a totally different reason, and came out two hours later after being totally pampered by my hilarious and super sweet hairstylist.

I loved every second of my time there and got totally relaxed.

You should have seen me in the chair two years ago at my very trustworthy sister-in-law's house when I barely got my hair highlighted for the first time. I was almost in a full-blown anxiety attack.

So it's pretty amazing I went for it - and I'm glad I did!

It's a nice change of pace for me, something fresh, and hubster loves it!! But I'm still getting used to it and doing a double-take when I catch my reflection in a mirror!

I'm thankful hubster didn't mind.

And that he was so incredibly sweet and sacrificial all weekend, serving me breakfast, loving on me, letting me choose what to do/watch/eat, etc. Thank you honey!

I'd taken Friday off to give myself some me time as I processed things - so over the course of the 3-day weekend, I enjoyed some really good time with God, time exploring our local town, taking walks, shopping, eating good food, watching a retired guy fishing at the river and he let me watch, some good crying/healing time, watching of lots of old Mad About You episodes and chick flicks, resting, spending sweet time with hubster, and planning out the final touches in our basement room {woohoo!}.

Check out my cool new sandals too!

Yay for relaxing, self-improvement time in the midst of heartache!


  1. Your hair looks great! How fun. So glad you had a pamper me day.

  2. Love your hair - SO fun, makes me want to get mine done!!!
