
Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Unconditional" the Movie -- Go See It Now!

Tuesday night we were invited to go see a free premiere of the faith-based film Unconditional.

You guys have heard me talk about faith-based films here before. I want to encourage people to see them no matter what. I think it's important, even if they're not done as well. But you know as well as I do that they aren't done as well as films with large budgets and big distributors backing them. 

But this one is different, I promise, so seriously GO SEE IT if you can! It's a pretty limited opening, but the more people who go see it, the more theatres likely to open up to it. Unconditional opened in theatres last night, Friday 9/21/12.

It certainly helps that they used two Hollywood actors who've been seen in various movies and TV shows before {usually in supporting roles}. They are superb! And the kids in it, while not having acted before, are incredible!! 

The writing is excellent, it's based on true events, it's very inspiring, the cinematography is great, and there are only a couple of minor cheesy parts while also keeping the storyline moving in a non-boring, powerful way. 

There's some minor violence with a couple of guns shown, a knife-fight, and content that's not suitable for young children. Otherwise it's clean, and family-friendly with a God-honoring story. 

You are very unlikely to leave the movie with dry eyes.

It is potentially one of my favorite movies in a long time, but I'm one who gets so sucked in the first time seeing a film, that in order to fully make up my mind about it I have to see it 2-3 times. I'll try to remember to let you know once we see it again {hopefully soon!}. 

Find the trailer, theatres, and more information on the movie's website.

Please go see it now and help give it a fabulous opening weekend so Hollywood will continue to take notice and see how important faith-based films are for our country!! 

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