While my life spins seemingly out of control and I get my feet back on solid ground, I'm taking a slight hiatus from blogging. I'll be back, possibly even faster than anticipated.
But for now, there are just too many other important happenings that I don't want to miss out on or take time to recover from.
For now let me leave you with a few blog posts that really resonated with me and I hope you'll take a few minutes to read them too:
Just keep swimming - perhaps it's because I'm so much like her, but I just adore Mary and think she's the greatest. I love her openness and honesty here so, so much!!
Help me help you - I can't help it, here's another one from Mary. I'm totally addicted to reading her blog with every post.
Hands up for the loop-de-loop - about letting go and trusting God, and not resisting change from our plans
Why is anger so popular? - all about anger and how it's okay to be angry sometimes.
How to listen to a friend - nothing else needs to be said here.
The beauty in the threadbare - oh how deeply I love Beth Moore!
Everyday - because it shows the everyday life of one of my in-real-life friends {another coworker's spouse - I can't help it, I love these ladies!!!! :)}
Love to you all as I go back to spinning in crazy circles....
Rochelle, Finally a Christian woman with Fibro like me:(.... But now let me tell you about a product that the Lord so clearly put in my path.I was helping a friend (reluctantly) with a booth at the yearly Choke Cherry Festival in Lewistown MT.I felt horrible and didn't want to be there. But the Lord positioned us in a way that I had to help her that day! Lorri and Mike Schlutz were to our left sharing a product called ~ASEA~. I
ReplyDeleteNow to finish my story. ASEA has changed my life so amazingly. It is redox signaling molecules stabilized and bottled outside our bodies. We are born with 100% of this molecule but as we age they deplete from many sources.By the time we are 70 we have only 10 % left. ASEA refurbishes, repairs, and replaces these life saving molecules.
ReplyDeletePlease contact me and I will help you to get and consume this God made product. Go to amazingmolecules.com to further understand ~ASEA~ My email address is iduhair@midrivers.com My fb account is Bernie Moon Lewistown MT. My phone numbers can be found there on my about me page:)