
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Maternity Photo Shoot

I have several close friends who are incredible photographers. I'm trying to help spread the joy of taking pictures of me or our son when he's born around to each of them, but it's hard!

I'd been planning to use one friend for my maternity photo shoot because I knew it'd mean a lot to her, but she's going through the fire right now battling some major first trimester issues of her own and is too sick to be able to do it. So I knew my next go-to person would be my friend Sherah, but it was a matter of determining when and where might work since we aren't exactly neighbors (more like an hour apart).

Then this past Tuesday came up as a chance for us to get together for dinner with them since we'd both be nearby all day at hubby's work for a baby shower they were throwing us over lunch. After dinner, we ended up spontaneously doing the photo shoot!! It was absolutely wonderful, they have a picturesque backyard for it, the weather and lighting at 8 pm was just perfect, and I'm tickled pink with how they all turned out! Here are just some of our favorites. :)

We did this on the exact day I was 36 weeks, 6/4/13. Used by permission of SherahG*photography.

Belly pics! So if they make you uncomfortable, look away. Cuz I totally don't care. This is memorable stuff for me!!!

I'm so grateful Sherah was able to take these pics - it was a huge relief!! So glad I also got my hair finallyyyy trimmed the day before! Everything is coming together finally as we head rapidly toward baby's arrival!

Will always be glad to have these great memories with my baby boy inside of me!


  1. You look radiant and so full of joy!!!!!

  2. Melissa BlankenbakerJune 9, 2013 at 7:11 PM

    Absolutely beautiful. So glad that you had fun. I can't wait to see the beautiful baby.
