
Monday, December 9, 2013

Our First Professional Photos

My dear friend Sherah is an incredible photographer. She did our maternity photo shoot and in October she took our first professional family and baby photos. They turned out SO amazing! I'm so grateful for Sherah's generosity in serving our family with her time and talents!!!

Below are several of my favorites, and some others can be found at her blog.

 photos courtesy of Sherah*G Photography.

We had a lot of fun traipsing in and around our house to get these pictures. Sherah basically just wanted to follow along with us as we lived life with our little one, and then there were some special pictures I wanted taken as well.

Like one I'd seen on Pinterest of a baby in daddy's arms with the sky in the background. Well, we got it. But it was admittedly after a lot of drool landed on our photographer!

We won this precious little chair at a church barbecue for volunteers, and we love it! Here's what was happening behind the scenes of the last picture above that Sherah got.

So fun! Bye Miss Sherah, we love you so much and are soooo incredibly grateful for you!!


  1. What a doll, wow, those blue eyes...

  2. awww... i love that girl. she is such a gifted photographer... and such a gift. love your family photos. love you too!
