
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Elijah Meets Easter Bunny

Elijah had the chance to meet the Easter bunny this weekend. We were pretty unsure how it would go, but Elijah did fantastic!!

The place near our house that hosted this event was also really neat. It was an antique long store that was kind of like a mini-mall. It was free, not rushed, and refused to let any child leave without getting a picture of them smiling. Then all the pictures were uploaded to Facebook and we could download them for free. It was really a neat time. There was another family there with a 2-year-old girl who didn't want to leave {and seriously screamed and was so upset when she was forced to leave} and we enjoyed hanging out with them while they were there. You'll see Madyson in many of the below pics. So fun!

I put him on the floor and sure enough, he just crawled right on over and pulled himself up to the bunny! His extroverted personality is definitely from his mama!! :)

Trying to eat the bunny's outfit. He really does put literally everything in his mouth!

(the above & below pics are courtesy of the place taking our pics, I won't name them here publicly since I never indicate quite where we live)

And, drumroll... my favorite from our pics:

I love it!!! Our sweetheart. :)

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