
Monday, September 8, 2014

Rough Week

Last week was super stressful at work with a stream of very important, big deadlines.

Tuesday night I got a phone call at 8 pm from my mom, just as we were putting Elijah down for bed. Her father, my grandpa, had passed away.

Gratefully he was 94 and had a solid, good, healthy, happy life. He was ready to go home to be with Jesus.

The past week has been a whirlwind of activity - from wrapping up work projects to traveling to reconnecting with family to a crazy schedule of here there and everywhere. We got back home mid-afternoon today.

This morning my dad's first cousin's son {so, my 2nd cousin} was killed in a tragic accident at a construction site {he was a construction worker}. I didn't personally know him, but I know his dad and I adore him.

Mostly I thought I was doing fairly well, all things considered, because my Grandpa truly had an extraordinary life and I know he's at peace with Jesus now.

But as we've come home and entered back into "normal" life... I feel a bit empty. I'm sad and still wrought with grief and an overwhelming sorrow for this world and those without the hope we have in Christ.

Just sharing random thoughts. All I know is the hope we have in Christ, and I'm so incredibly grateful for his love, mercy, grace, and care for us even in dark times. No matter what, it's always hard to lose people we love or are related to, and death doesn't get any easier to handle. 

Tonight I'm just really sad. Down to the core of my being. Grieving is such a hard process.....

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