
Monday, September 12, 2016

A Final Pregnancy Update

It's been an incredible journey - 9 months of hard, bliss, extraordinary love, exhaustion, and joy. We wouldn't have it any other way.

We've grown a lot these 9 months, and I don't just mean my belly! Elijah has grown by leaps and bounds since that first picture we took in January announcing he was going to be a big brother. And now that the day is nearly here, we feel overwhelmed and so very thankful he's adapted so well and is ready to meet his baby brother (well, most of the time anyway...)!

I'm 39 weeks + 3 days today. My OB sent me to the hospital on Friday to be more closely evaluated for some concerns, but everything came back fine and I was released a few hours later. Today's appointment went well, but he continues to watch me very closely and we are back yet again tomorrow to discuss some lab results and figure out next steps.

My due date is this Friday. I can't believe it. We made it this far!! We're beyond thankful, but we also know he's not going to let me go much further. I'm praying he doesn't want to do a c-section tomorrow, but we are trusting the Lord and we trust our OB. Whatever he thinks is best for my health and the baby's, we'll need to follow. Depending on the test results, we may fight it some or push back the amount of days we can wait, but we might just be approaching an inevitable second c-section.

Our dream isn't that. But we know God's ways are higher than our ways, and if it's a concern about our chance of survival... we'd much rather be safe than sorry. This OB is different than our last one and I know I can trust his 30 years of experience. He does not push c-sections. But with a previous c-section, he also can't push for an induction or risk uterine rupture.

So now we just wait. And pray. And hope.

We are grateful for excellent medical care!

But perhaps pray along with us that we can avoid a c-section, that baby will come on his own (along with our 3x/week acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments!), and that our labor & delivery experience won't be as traumatic as last time. Either way though, ultimately, may God's will be done and his glory revealed!

Not much longer before we meet our 2nd baby boy!

Pictures taken by SherahG* Photography.
(c) 2016. Used by permission.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you the best and an easy delivery. Your little guy has grown so much and will just love his now brother and be a help to you, too. May God's blessings be upon you all.
