
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Line List of Updates

I’ve been working on a detailed post from this past weekend’s Beth Moore event. Not done yet. Will try to post it soon.

I’m doing well, but feeling a little down inside. To cheer myself up, I baked cookies. {That’s one thing I always do well.} I burnt them.


I’ve been having wonderful workouts lately. I’ve been pushing myself hard but not too hard. I’m getting tons of energy which I really have been enjoying. It’s unusual. It’s great. I just want to bounce off the walls. Sadly though, tonight’s pain is pretty significant. Weird leg twitches. Painful back spasms. Blinding burning sensations at the bottom of my feet. Bummer. Hopefully it’s better tomorrow.

I still think it’s absolutely worth it. The strength, endurance, and energy I’ve gotten from regularly exercising has been a God-send.

Today is/was Tim’s dad’s birthday. He died 3 years ago in August. I think he’d be 78 or 79 today. We miss him.

I had a fabulous lunch with Tim’s youngest sister, Kandy, today. I’m so thankful for a good relationship with her. She’s like the little sister I never had and I cherish the time I get to spend with her.

I’m looking forward to hopefully meeting our newest nephew this weekend. Tim’s bro and sis-in-law live about 30 minutes from here, and I hope we get over there to see them. This is nephew/niece #25 as a combo of our families. SIDE NOTE: Tim has 10 siblings in a split family and 23 nephews & nieces. I have 1 older brother and 2 nieces on my side. I now also have stepsiblings but we aren’t close and we aren’t expected to consider each other as ‘siblings’ since we’re all grown ups… another story for another time perhaps. That doesn’t include our friends that allow their kids to call us auntie & uncle… with my best friends Tracie & Monica and their kids, that would give us 2 ‘nephews’ & 1 ‘niece’. Technically my close friend Sheryl also lets me call her dogs my nieces but, well, that’s different. We won’t include them in the count even though they’re totally adorable and I’ve babysat them a number of times before Sheryl moved them to New York, booo.

Thinking on Romans 8:18 today.

Missing my mom. Spent hours together this past weekend at a conference, seeing her in a week and a half, and I cannot wait to hang out with her more! She’s so godly and pours such wisdom and love into my life. I’m also really excited for Thanksgiving when we’ll be at my dad’s Wed-Fri that week and hanging out with my nieces. They just tickle me pink. I also just really love my brother Tim and his wife Jeremi. They are both so great. I’m so unbelievably thankful that I have such a wonderful family, they are all so amazing. Thank you Lord!!

Tomorrow over lunch I’ll hang with my friends Brian & Monica and their little 12 week old cutie. Looking forward to more baby time!

Another thought on my workouts… when I started I had to be on the exercise bike. Just over a week later and I was on the treadmill at a 0% incline. I’ve slowly increased it since (trying not to push it too hard with the Fibro) and today I got all the way up to a 12% incline… just 2 months later! I’m so stoked!!!!

Hope you were able to set some time aside today to think of our veterans and those currently serving. I have several relatives who served previously and are currently serving overseas or somewhere in the U.S. I am so thankful for everyone who has given their time & sacrifice for our country!

Have a great rest of the week all! Thanks for continuing to read my blog even when I’ve been terrible at getting around to commenting on all of yours. I promise I’ve been lurking in the shadows a bit, and will try to catch up more this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. 12% incline, that is great!!!

    Homebaked cookies are always good but yeah, not so much when they're burnt.

    I hope you can see your nephew this weekend!
