I don't know if I've mentioned this here before or not, but I have often not liked living apart from my family. I'm a family gal who grew up surrounded by both sets of grandparents nearby, and most of my aunts, uncles, and cousins from my mom's side...many within walking distance or less than a couple miles away.
I grew up in the country. Next door to a farm. Outside a town of 500 people. In the middle of nowhere.
And I loved it. And I've missed it.
I now live in a city of nearly 100,000 people, surrounded by other suburbs with many more people, all less than 1 hour away from downtown Chicago. A city of....too many.
I've often longed to move back 'home'. I miss my family. I love being around them. I've gone back and forth on this over the years. Earlier this year, when my brother and his family moved back to the area, I longed desperately to join them.
And God keeps reminding me of what I need to be thankful for. Why I am where I am.
After all, there's just nothing quite like coming into Chicago on a train after a trip, seeing the city skyline at night, and getting a bit teary-eyed.
And then, you realize it. You know. Without a shadow of a doubt. You know.
You're home.
You are so right. I adore the Chicago skyline. Be still my heart. :)