
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Quick Update

We've been a bit busy and stressed these days. We had a wonderful time last weekend with my mom & stepdad here, but as you saw we found a big mold/water problem in our basement bedroom. We were both really busy at work this week, I hung out with a former coworker I hadn't spent time with in several years, I went to our first Sister Summit of the summer at church which was phenomenal, I had jury duty, Tim called a bunch of places to get estimates on the cost of cleaning up our basement, Tim installed a lengthener-thingy for the downspout that goes right by the basement bedroom, I had a spontaneous lunch with a dear coworker/friend yesterday followed by a spontaneous visit to my dear friends the Gees and that was followed by a spontaneous date night with hubster! {We saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice...absolutely loved it!!! More on that later.}

Whew. What a week!

My pain levels have been atrocious this week, but the energy and exercise has thankfully helped get me through. I've got some other health-related things going on, the humidity is making me stiff & cramped up, and my sinuses are totally freaking out and making it impossible to fully breathe. But I'm smiling the grace of God!

Later today Tim has someone coming in to give us an estimate on the basement clean-up, and I'm heading out to spend the afternoon & evening with my wonderful coworkers/friends Katie & Annemarie. I adore the chance to spend time with them, they are such a hoot, and quickly becoming some of my dearest friends. They are both godly, inspiring, crazy fun, I can be myself around them, and they encourage me and help me grow in Christ & as a wife and friend. They've both been married 6 months and it's been so neat to watch them! Thank you Leif & Brandon for letting me spend the day today with them! Woohoo, girl time!!

Hope you are all relaxing & enjoying your weekend!

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