It's surprisingly very funny, has romance, action, great cinematography, excellent editing, spectacularly well done, and did I mention it's stinking hilarious?!?!
It's rated PG, it's clean {I was sooo excited about this; love me a good, clean movie!}, and the only bad parts are a few startling parts {which I didn't realize until I was sitting next to my friend the jumper Annemarie ;)}, and the magic/sorcery. So long as you're discerning and go into it knowing what you believe about that stuff, it's all good.
I like what our author Grant Horner has to say about this in his recent book Meaning at the Movies:
“We must evaluate, critique, and discern our way through all the elements of this fallen world. To do anything less than this is to dishonor God by ignoring the blessings of his wisdom, to waste the opportunities for learning and discernment he has given us, and finally to lose part of the opportunity we have to be salty in this bland and dying age.”
I'm not sure I'd want our kids to see it or anything, but we sure enjoyed it. It handles the good vs evil message well, and has some other good tidbits in there too. An enjoyable, humorous ride for sure!
Nicolas Cage was previously one of my least favorite actors. I can't put my finger on it exactly, but I just never thought he was very good at acting. Then National Treasure happened {like The Matrix happened for Keanu Reeves which showed perhaps he really could act} and he's growing on me. He {Cage} was also one of the executive producers for this film.
We spontaneously decided to go see it Friday night. We spontaneously went to see it again Saturday night with friends. We loved it all over again. We never go to movies the weekend it's released to the theater, much less twice in a row, and especially not twice in a row on opening weekend!! Seriously that's how much we enjoyed it and were surprised by it. Really good stuff! Can't you tell by our faces?! :)
Thanks for joining us Sat night Brandon & Annemarie! We had a blast!
What are you waiting for? Hit the theater!
And be sure to come back and tell me what you think!
What are you waiting for? Hit the theater!
And be sure to come back and tell me what you think!
I saw the trailor for it recently. After your review, I will go and see it. Thanks :)